Optional. This page introduces briefly a possible structural design of an NTFB


The organizational structure may reflect the three different levels of engagement of a NTFB. At the strategic level would be the Board of the NTFB. The permanent staff of the NTFB would be responsible for the operational level in consultation with the Board, and specific working groups with varying membership are established to deal with issues at the technical level.

The concrete functions of these three entities are:

Board: Is responsible for implementing the Government formulated trade facilitation plan (policy and priorities). It does so by seeking private-public partnership solutions to implementation where possible. The Board sets the work program of the NTFB and report back to the Government, including, formulating recommendations and opinions or drafting policy proposals.

Permanent staff: at the operational level, it prepares reports, develop proposals and offer recommendations for achieving the objective of the trade facilitation plan. The results of this work would be presented to the Board for strategic consideration. The staffs are given senior managerial positions and are assisted by a secretariat, plus any seconded staff from the public or private sector.

Working Groups: whether permanent or temporary, the working groups are set up to undertake specific tasks as defined by the Board. Working groups should reflect all stakeholder views were possible