Optional. This page describes how to prepare a Schedule for developing and implementing a Roadmap

Implementation schedule

The Roadmap establishes a framework of Activities to be implemented over a period of three to five years. For this period of time, an overall calendar that schedules the implementation of the Activities should be developed. This Implementation Schedule calendar will help to monitor the state of implementation of the Roadmap.
For this Implementation Schedule, Activities can be divided into three phases:

  • Start-up phase: Depending on each country, this phase should not require more than one year. During this phase, the Governance Structure needs to be established. This means, for instance, that the lead agencies that will implement each Activity will be appointed and that working groups to manage the different projects will be formed. It is important to include Activities that focus on stakeholder engagement, communication and collaboration into this phase. This will ensure that all trade facilitation stakeholders understand the common objectives and the scope of the Activities of the Roadmap. Moreover, in some cases, quick-win Activities can already be implemented in the start-up phase. The start-up phase should also include any Activities that aim to develop detailed project plans for the implementation of long-term projects which will be undertaken in the delivery phase.
  • Delivery phase: The Delivery Phase is the longest phase of the implementation of the Roadmap. It includes the delivery of all Activities that need to be realized over a period of one to four years. During the Delivery Phase, Goal Performance Indicators should be thoroughly monitored to make sure that the country is on the right track to achieve the identified Goals.
  • Review phase: This phase aims at 1) Evaluating whether the Goals of the Roadmap have been achieved, by referring to the Goal Performance Indicators and 2) Drafting a new Roadmap for the three to five years to come. Ideally, the Review Phase should start between six and 12 months before the deadline for closing the Roadmap.

The three phases of the implementation of the Roadmap are graphically represented in the figure below:

Implementation schedule