Step 3. Read more on the importance of communication and consultation for creating a transparent relationship.

Communication & Consultation

A partnership between Customs and Trader needs to be based on trust. Trust can be established in a process that builds on communication and consultation.
Access to information about the legal framework and procedures in place is a critical element in establishing a transparent and predictable environment for international trade and for improving Customs compliance. Laws and regulations, as well as any changes to these, must be published in good time prior to entry into force, so as to allow traders to adapt to these changes in time.
Consultations between Customs administrations with representatives of local, regional and country-wide trading and transport communities are important to discuss new developments and problem areas. They are a means to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Customs processes and procedures. Without formal consultations with the trade, Customs will not be able to draft laws and regulations that meet the needs of the business community.
Fulfilling standard requirements for the publication of public information is therefore an import aspect of creating a trusted partnership between Customs and traders.
Formal trade consultations are regular meetings of Customs administrations with representatives of local, regional and country-wide trading and transport communities to discuss new developments and problem areas with a view to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Customs processes and procedures.

Good examples of trusted partnerships are Port Community and Airport Community Systems. As a results of a trusted partnership, where customs and other authorities are satisfied with the trustworthiness and reliability of the information held in commercial IT systems, these authorities recognize port and airport community systems and use them for official declaration purposes.