WCO Nii Guidelines

Guidelines for the procurement and deployment of scanning / Nii equipment

Author/Source: World Customs Organisation (WCO)

Year of adopting/publication: 2009

Link to the document on the internet: The full text of the Nii Guidelines are available on the WCO website.

Purpose: The WCO published the Guidelines for the Purchase and Deployment of Scanning/Imaging Equipment (Nii Guidelines) as part of the SAFE package to provide Customs administrations with practical guidance on what to consider when considering purchasing such equipment and how best to implement the equipment to make best use of the technology.

Summary: The guide presents the different steps Customs administrations should follow for the purchase and deployment of NII technology. The process starts with the definition of the needs, including defining why the NII equipment is required and for what inspection purposes, it covers the procurement process including a brief summary of the technical specifications of the some of the NII equipment, and the deployment making sure that the systems and equipment are duly integrated into the Customs procedures.
The WCO updates the NII Guidelines on a regular basis.

Pages that cite the guide:

NII technology

