ICC Recommendations on Mutual Recognition

ICC recommendations on Mutual Recognition of US-EU Trade Partner Programs for Border Security

Author/Source: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Year of adopting/publication: January 2009, 4th edition

Link to the document on the internet: The full text of the Recommendations are available on the ICC website.

Purpose: The ICC Recommendations on Mutual Recognition have been adopted to incorporate business views in the development of the EU – United States mutual recognition agreement and to ensure suitability for all supply chains. Mutual recognition is a key issue for business as failure to achieve reasonable uniformity in the application of authorised economic pperator (AEO) programmes would, according to the ICC “create counterproductive, costly, and inefficient effects by subjecting AEO traders to many different and conflicting or redundant national approaches”. The recommendations present key features of a mutual recognition that need to be respected to ensure that the programmes prove real and concrete benefits for business.

Summary: The ICC Committee on Customs and Trade adopted its recommendation on mutual recognition based on the ongoing discussions between the EU and the United States on concluding a mutual recognition arrangement between their respective AEO and C-TPAT programmes. The recommendations cover the following aspects:

  • Structural Asymmetries that impede attainment of Mutual Recognition
  • Interoperable Electronic Systems and ?Single Windows?
  • Confidentiality of Proprietary and Sensitive Data
  • Data Requirements
  • Interface with large regional trade partners
  • Stability of the Mutual Recognition requirements
  • Costs and Discrimination
  • Risk Management
  • Flexibility for SMEs

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Mutual Recognition

