La Corporation Internationale Islamique du Financement du Commerce (CIFC)

ITFC/TCPP’s work related to Trade Facilitation

  • ITFC works with its international partners to assist its member countries to identify (and eliminate where possible) regulatory and procedural obstacles to trade and transport. In this regard, ITFC co-sponsors with international organizations and/or provides partial financial support to member countries to conduct Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) studies and Business Process Analysis (BPA).
  • Within the framework of AfTIAS, ITFC works closely with its implementing partners to enhance customs capacity, improve border management, and support the use of electronic systems in custom clearance. Various capacity-building initiatives are under implementation, which are linked to broader projects to enhance joint customs gate management practices between Sudan and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia as pilot projects.
  • ITFC promotes and support knowledge sharing and cooperation across member countries in the area of trade and transport facilitation and assist the member countries to accede to relevant Trade & Transport Facilitation Agreements. To this end, ITFC organizes seminars, workshops and training programs in cooperation with international and regional organizations on the subjects of trade facilitation and regional integration. Furthermore, Arabic translation of the “Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide” is one of ITFC’s initiatives to support the development of institutional capacities of national trade facilitation authorities by making information available for Arabic speaking member countries.